AEPS provides pilot ejection, airborne drop, emergency procedures, and team training.
Trainees can improve mission capability and survivability through tangible AEPS based on high-fidelity parachute dynamics, immersive 3D VR, and reliable motion systems.
AEPS Components
AEPS System Architecture
AEPS Key Functions
Emergency escape & parachute control trainings are integrated into one simulator
Provides training control/monitoring and debriefing functions
Pilot ejection, Static line jump, freefall, team training, and emergency procedures training
Riser control and the forces of parachute control
Experience of parachute-open shock and wind effects
High-fidelity parachute dynamics model - Wind direction/speed, malfunctions are simulated
Provides 3D virtual training environment - Various aircraft, Parachute, and Terrain modeling - Weather effect : TOD, snow/rain, fog, cloud, etc.